What looks like a Nokia dual SIM phone has been spotted online, thought to be the Nokia C2-06 – a new device in Nokia’s Touch and Type range. It’s supposedly running Series 40 6th Edition, and looks not too unlike the recently launched C2-00 dual SIM device, but the larger touchscreen is new.
Sporting a 2.8-inch resistive touchscreen, the leaked C2-06 bears a 2MP camera, and will probably come with EDGE connectivity, and maybe Bluetooth in addition. With the expected feature set, the device, if official at all, will probably be a tad bit more expensive than the C2-00. We’ll keep you up to date on any developments or announcements.
Tell us what you think about Nokia's efforts in the low-cost dual SIM segment... Can it keep up with the innumerable brands out there, and their myriad devices? Will its image of reliability withstand the bustling market?
Image courtesy: GSMarena