Monday, 9 May 2011

How fast is the internet connection at Google?

Google, they hold and run the most powerful search engine in the web that’s why they hold the moniker as the “internet giant”. And then have you even think how this mammoth is connected on the internet? In a thread over on Reddit where members of Google’s Chrome team are answering questions, we’ve got a mind blowing idea on how fast the internet connection at Google. Check your blood pressure, before you hit the break.
How Fast the Internet Connection at Google
This will absolutely crushed the high-speed internet connection enjoyed by other country. Mainly the Europe enjoys 12Mbps and US at around 10Mbps according to Ookla’s Net Index.
Translating this numbers on the your daily internet usage, if you’ll be going to download a typical HD rip of a movie, running 4 gigabytes, it would be downloaded in full in around 2 minutes for a whooping 32Mbps.
Now do you wish to have this internet connection? Definitely, yes we do.


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Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
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